Sheria Mashinani
Sheria Mashinani (grassroots law) which is a collaboration between Crime Si Poa and the Strathmore University Law Clinic is a stand out legal awareness project that seeks to empower communities with basic legal knowledge to enable them responsibly exercise and enjoy their constitutional rights and obligations. Equal protection of the law for all gender and demographic groups, especially children is central to the objectives of Sheria Mashinani.
Our goal as Sheria Mashinani is therefore to impact community members with legal awareness in order to contribute to the reduction and ultimate eradication of crime within the society.

I help my communities realize their full potential and enjoy equal protection under the law
Day after day, many indigent and vulnerable Kenyans, especially those resident in many informal settlements, face injustices, lose out on opportunities and suffer detriments due to lack of understanding of their legal rights and obligations and general ignorance of the law.
To help these access justice, realize their full potential and enjoy equal protection under the law, it is important to help them know how to demand justice, accountability and effective remedies at all levels by empowering them with legal rights knowledge.
That is what Sheria Mashinani is all about.
And also put the law in people’s hands
Lack of access to a lawyer is not the only access to justice issue facing most low-income individuals and families. For those who choose to represent themselves for instance, court costs and filing fees can be a barrier to obtaining justice. It can also be difficult to find information on simple procedural issues, like when and where to file a lawsuit, what rights you have in court, or, when it comes to criminal or traffic offences, your rights before, during and after the arrest. thus seeks to address this by making information on the law and legal procedures available to all at the click of a button. The primary purpose of this web application is therefore to allow as many people as possible, especially those who we may not be able to reach through our training program or community forums, to find legal information, assistance and advice as and when they need it and at no cost to them whatsoever!